Whether you’re becoming a registered nurse (RN) or a licensed practical nurse (LPN), you’ll need to take a standardized test before you receive your nursing license. This test is called the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) and is the same for all nurses across the country, though different versions are given based on whether you have studied to be an LPN or an RN.
In order to find out about taking the NCLEX in your state, you should contact your state board of nursing. You must first apply with the state board before you can register for the exam. If you qualify for taking the NCLEX, the state board of nursing will allow you to go on to register for the exam. Also, they can advise you about any additional licensure requirements in the state in which you hope to practice. For example, some states require that nurses take an additional state test in addition to the national test in order to receive their license to practice nursing. This is critical information that can affect any job prospects you have, so many sure to ask about it when you call your state board of nursing or visit their website.
Once you’re approved by the state board of nursing, you can register for the NCLEX. Your state board will send you an NCLEX Examination Candidate Bulletin in the mail. After that, you can go online, fill out a paper form or call the National Council or State Boards of Nursing testing service to register for the NCLEX. Once the date has been set, you’ll get an Authorization to Take the Test (ATT) in the mail. The ATT includes all the locations and dates in your area where you can take the NCLEX and will provide instructions for how to schedule a test appointment.
The NCLEX is definitely a challenge, but your college education in these fields should do a great job preparing you for these tests. Even so, there are several ways you can prepare for taking the NCLEX. Your notes, tests and textbooks from your education can be a great resource for studying in the weeks leading up to your NCLEX exam. Also, you can visit the website for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing to get the RN or LPN test plan to find out more about how the test is administered. The test plan is also a great study guide because it covers each of the areas that will be included in the exam questions, such as injury prevention and high-risk behaviors.
If you think you need more help studying for the NCLEX, don’t worry; there are plenty of test preparation classes in which you can enroll to prepare for the exam. Furthermore, you can buy test preparation software that simulates the NCLEX on your computer. Both of these are excellent choices for preparing for the test since you will get to take several practice tests and see how the questions will be phrased on the exam. No matter what nursing program you participate in, make sure you are ready for the NCLEX upon graduation.
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