Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Going to College: A Freshman Survival Kit

Heading off for your first year of college can be overwhelming - even scary. For many students, it's the first time they've been on their own. Even adults going back to school may feel a bit nervous. Younger students, however, are more likely to be living in a dorm or apartment where they'll need to have not only the everyday items needed for their new home, but also enough supplies for the new school year.

Even if you've done the "back to school shopping" routine before, college is a whole new ballgame that requires a different kind of preparation. Fortunately, you can make sure you have everything covered by creating a survival kit to get you through your first semester of college. Keep in mind that there are specific items that you may need to get to customize your kit for your own college experience or personal needs. The items listed here, however, cover the basics that just about every freshman will need.

School Supplies

The thing to keep in mind with your school supplies is that you won't have access to certain things that were a mainstay at every classroom or school you've attended before. Don't forget things like staplers, Scotch tape or post-it notes, all of which will come in handy during that first year. Also, it's helpful to get a printer for your dorm or apartment. If you don't want to spend the extra money, make sure you have access to a library or store which offers printing and copying services. Another major aspect of school supplies for college freshman to consider is a planner or organizer. A daily planner can be a huge resource for most college students; remember that this is the first time you'll be completely on your own, so making sure you get to class and finish assignments on time is completely your responsibility.

Medical Supplies

Now that you'll be living away from home, you'll want to stock up on the basics in medicines and first aid supplies that you always had access to at your parents' home. Get a first aid kit that includes bandages, anti-bacterial ointment, gauze and hydrogen peroxide to use in case of a minor injury. You should also purchase over-the-counter drugs that just about everyone uses from time to time, such as Tylenol, Advil and Motrin. If you have any prescription medications, make sure you stock up on them and plan to get your refills at a local pharmacy close to campus.

Safety Supplies

There are a few things you'll need to keep you safe during your first year on your own. Get a flashlight, fire extinguisher and a small set of tools to keep on hand. Also, make sure your dorm room's smoke detector is working properly. Also, program safety numbers into your phone, such as campus safety, a taxi company and any other emergency numbers you might need for an unsafe situation.


Being able to decorate your new room is one of the best parts about moving off to college. Plan to get a few plants, curtains or posters to make your space more personalized. Don't forget about a futon, mini-fridge, TV or any other things that may make your room cozier.


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